Diagnostic tests
Uranotest® Uriscreen
The quick, reliable, low-cost tool for correct decision-making in urinary tract infections.
Uranotest® Uriscreen™ is a test for detecting bacteria and somatic cells in urine that makes it possible to diagnose urinary tract infections caused by catalase-positive bacteria (the main cause of urinary tract infections) and the presence of somatic cells in just 2 minutes.
In cases of suspected urinary tract infections, Uranotest® Uriscreen™ enables us to decide which samples need to be sent to the laboratory for culture.
- Purpose
Detection of bacteria and somatic cells in urine that makes it possible to diagnose urinary tract infections
- Sample
- Reading time
Less than 2 minutes
- Execution time
1 minute
- Presentation
Boxes with 10 tests
- Registration Nº
11024 RD
- High sensitivity even with low bacterial counts as it detects concentrations from just 50,000 CFU/ml.
- Negative (-) predictive value greater than 95% (percentage of negatives with Uranotest® Uriscreen™ that truly are negative).
- Result in less than 2 minutes.
- Economic, which means it can be used in screening for decision-making.
- No equipment needed.
Information for the veterinarian

- Transfer the urine to be analyzed to the supplied test tube using the disposable pipette. Add the urine sample, so that the added volume is contained between the minimum and maximum lines printed on the media (approximately 1.5–2 ml). Use a different test tube for each urine sample.
- Add 4 drops of 10% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution to each tube of trial. Mix gently, so as not to foam, for five seconds. The solution will turn blue.
- After 1–2 minutes, observe the formation of foam and check the results. If the result is positive, foam will form on the surface of the liquid. If the result is negative, foam will not form.
- Catalasa +
(Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Corynebacterium diptheriae, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter spp, Enterobacter spp, Klebsiella spp, Proteus spp, Salmonella spp, Pseudomonas spp)
- Expected result with Uranotest® Uriscreen™
- Positive
- Visual result
- Foam is generated on the surface until a complete ring is formed.
- Interpretation
- There may be bacteria and/or leukocytes in the urine suggestive of urinary tract infection due to catalase-positive bacteria.
- Recomendation
- Send the sample to the laboratory for culture and antibiogram. Start treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic effective for urinary tract infections (amoxi + clavulanic acid or cephalosporin). When you have the culture results, change the antibiotic for a more sensitive one or maintain if the current one is sufficiently sensitive.
- Catalasa -
(Streptococcus spp, Enterococcus spp)
- Expected result with Uranotest® Uriscreen™
- Negative, although if the sample has more than 10 leucocytes per field as a consequence of the infection, the result may also be positive.
- Visual result
- Foam does not form on the surface or an incomplete ring of foam forms.
- Interpretation
- Catalase-positive bacteria not present in the urine.
- Recomendation
- There is no need to send the sample to the Laboratory for a culture, as the test has a negative predictive value of 95 %.
- Screening n= 165 dogs and cats
- Uranotest® Uriscreen™
- Sensitivity
- 89%
- Specificity
- 71%
- Determination under microscope by expert staff of the presence of abnormal urinary sediment (pyuria, bacteriuria or both)
- Sensitivity
- 78%
- Specificity
- 90%
- Detection limit
- 50.000 CFU/ml
- 10 leucocytes/field
- False negatives
- Catalase-negative bacteria (Streptococcus, Enterococcus)
- Bacterial concentrations below the detection limit.
- False positives
- Bacteria that not does not grow in cultures (Chlamydia, Trichomonas)
- Haematuria
- Presence of cells shed from the bladder or kidneys in urine
- Presence of tumour cells

Uranotest® Uriscreen