Diagnóstico rápido

Uranotest® Copro

Uranotest® Copro is a device that simplifies coprological examination, from the process of sample collection by the owner until the completion of the parasitological examination at the clinic. We make coprological analysis easy.

System for collection, dilution, preservation, filtration and concentration of faeces to obtain a sediment suitable for microscopic examination.Without odours or handling of stools.



A device that simplifies the coprological examination from the sample collection process by the owner to the parasitological examination in the clinic



  • Boxes with 10 units
  • Includes lugol for staining of the sediment obtained
Registration Nº

2972 H


  • Frasco con conservante Greenfix®, no tóxico y no agresivo con el medio ambiente, que asegura la conservación e integridad de la muestra durante 15 días. El mismo frasco incorpora un filtro de 260 micras que deja pasar huevos, quistes y larvas y retiene las partículas gruesas, obteniéndose una muestra limpia apta para análisis microscópico.
  • Dispositivo que simplifica el examen coprológico desde el proceso de recogida de muestra por parte del propietario hasta la realización del examen parasitológico en la clínica.
  • Análisis coprológico más fácil e higiénico para veterinario y propietario.
  • Sin olores ni manipulación de heces.

Information for the veterinarian

When the vet receives the sample from their client, all that is required is to follow these simple steps:


  1. Convenience and hygiene for both the owner and the vet.
  2. No unpleasant odours or handling of the stools.
  3. The stool sample can be preserved at room temperature for up to 15 days.
  4. It significantly reduces the time of diagnosis and therefore the costs for the clinic.

The system used in Uranotest® Copro has been voted one of the 8 most innovative technologies by the WHO, for its high performance in parasitological examinations and the way it aids the routine of the laboratory technician.

Uranotest<sup>®</sup> Copro

* This information is available to veterinary professionals only. By clicking to download, you declare that you have the appropriate qualifications to access the content.

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